donderdag 10 november 2016

Huffington Post Continues Campaigning for Hillary Clinton off-guardian

Eric Zuesse See this screen-shot taken at 1:30 in the afternoon on November 9th, after Trump’s win. They pretend Trump’s win is a victory for bigots, instead of a defeat for the aristocracy (‘Wall Street’, ‘The Establishment’, or America’s billionaires and their agents such as lobbyists and the leading politicians). However, a close look at the evidence shows Huffington Post to be wrong: Trump’s win was overwhelmingly driven by Americans’ repudiation of the aristocracy itself (such as, for example, repudiation of the Institute that runs Huffington Post’s neoconservative international edition, World Post, the Berggruen Institute (including Eric Schmidt, Lawrence Summers, Fareed Zakaria, Arianna Huffington, Nicholas Berggruen, Ernesto Zedillo, Carl Bildt, Niall Ferguson, and Joseph Nye, all being proponents of Obama’s building war against Russia — such as: “To confront Putin, Europe will have to make changes that will be deeply controversial on a continent long committed to environmentalism and marked by an aversion to the use of force”). And, as far as global warming is concerned, which is a real problem about Trump, it’s also …

from OffGuardian

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